Rotary International Convention

Projection dome

Client: Rotary International
Event Management: Chicago Rotary
Dome Cover: 3D Inflate
Frame: The Dome Company

We were contacted directly by Rotary International to ask if we could show their existing VR movie content in a portable dome at the Melbourne Rotary annual interntional convention.


The two existing movies had previously been shown in a dome which did not include the visuals at the top of the dome.
Silent disco headsets were also requested.


Our video technician was able to convert the existing 360 degree content into fulldome content so that the entire hemisphere screen displayed the complete original movies.

Setup and execution

The entire 10m dome, including 8 projectors, truss towers and media server were driven the 1700kms from our northern NSW base to the Melbourne Convention Centre in Robbie’s ute.
Complete set up of the dome was done in about 4 hours.
Stick on decals were added to the exterior dome canopy to advertise the “360 Film Experience”
Visitors were ushered in to sit on 16 swivel chairs and then put on ‘silent disco’ headsets to listen to the audio track.
The two VR movies were alternated over the 4 day event.
The movies were:
Bahura … the building of an underwater artificial reef in onesiesia
Two Drops of Patience …. travelling to a remote village in Kenya to administer polio vaccines


Outcome and benefits

Over 2,300 patrons were ushered through the 10 metre dome over the 4 day event. The event ran without a hitch showing the movie up to 6 times an hour. The dome was completely packed up in 2 – 3 hours.



The projection dome was so popular that Rotary is considering using the same dome at the Singapore International Convention in 2024